Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I'm currently frustrated about..

Hi guys.. I dunno where to start but I just want to talk something here.. Even though I know there will be no one read this post ._. Yeah I blog more on my main blog, but since I always try my as best as possible to not post something not useful on my main blog, I write these chit-chat on this blog instead..


I have no idea how to solve this problem.. Maybe only God knows when I will be able to get rid of this problem.. LOL, sorry it sounds exaggerating..

It's been 20 days since I got pharyngitis. I have gone to see two doctors, they've given me prescriptions and I have choked all medicines. When I was about to recover fully, I thought I could eat greasy food or slightly spicy food little biiiiiit anymore (I've even eaten some cookies, which have made my throat condition worse). But again, my throat becoming sore and I cough again.. again and again..

I'm still suffering from cough and sore throat now. I'm currently trying a traditional Chinese powder medicine which is called "Ho Fong San" by today.. I don't want to choke any medicine or go to see doctor again T_T I'm sick of all medicines. I challenge my immune to get recover itself with vitamin C, multivitamin, throat antiseptic spray and Ho Fong San.

Hopefully I can get fully recover VERY SOON... I miss spicy food, ice cream and rendang T___T God please help me to endure this sickness.. Thank you God for everything..

1 comment:

Cella said...

Halo shelvi, cobain pake honey lemon shot deh.1 atau 1/2 sendok madu + 1/2 butir lemon (kalo lemon import yang gede2 itu ya, kalo lokal mungkin butuh 1 atau 2 butir) yang diperas. Diminum tiap pagi. Banyak yang bilang ini bagus buat sakit batuk, radang tenggorokan, atau pilek. Dicoba ajaa selama seminggu. Semoga ngefek yaa. GWS :D