Hi guys! Here I make a new category named FIRST IMPRESSION. I just started to watch new series this week! Those are "Producer" and "Orange Marmalade" :D
I'll start from "Producer" first. I can say that I have waiting for this drama ever since its official announcement. Come on, who's gonna miss this drama while there are Kim Soo-hyun, IU and Gong Hyo-jin in it? Finally the drama was broadcasted since last week and I have watched first 2 episodes.
This drama series is set at an entertainment division of a broadcasting company. Not gonna forget about Cha Tae Hyun, he's one of the main roles in Producer :p Cha Tae Hyun is a PD of 2 days 1 night shows, Gong Hyojin plays as PD of Music Bank show, Kim Soo-hyun as a rookie producer in 2 days 1 night show, IU as a popular singer named Cindy.
Hmmm.. This drama is quite interesting, because it shows a different perspective, it's a kind of behind the scene of entertainment in KBS. But unfortunately I feel so bored while watching this drama >_< I even yawned few times while hoping each episode will ends soon. Episode 1 was boring, but Episode 2 is quite interesting. Especially I'm intrigued by Cindy's arrogant, emotion-less and easy going personalities :p I wonder how the plot will be developed for the next episodes.
But I guess I will drop this drama if the next 2 episodes are still boring, I will save my time to watch another good drama :p Well, let's see..
As I've written on this post, I'm expecting this drama is gonna be addicting like its Webtoon series. I think the casts are ok, I like to see Seolhyun's innocent face and fierce expression of Yeo Jin Goo :D
200 years ago, humans and vampires finalized a peace treaty, but they still do not get along well with each other. In the present day, Jae-Min (Yeo Jin-Goo) is a popular high school student. He falls in love with transfer student Baek Ma-Ri. Baek Ma-Ri though hides her true identity as a vampire.
For the 1st Episode, I feel the atmosphere of this drama is tenser than its Webtoon. In first episode they explain clearly that human and vampire shouldn't live coexist and the atmosphere is quite gloomy as well. But so far I enjoy this drama, because of its songs selection and nice voice of Seolhyun :P To be honest, OST of a drama really affects my mood during watching time.
I notice ever since its early episodes, there are several noticeable differences between its original story and its K-drama version. In webtoon, Han Shi Hoon character doesn't appear too early and the one who become Jae Min's teacher is his own mother, not his mother's new husband. However I think this drama will contains more drama and love-triangle conflict scenes, different to the Webtoon's slow-motion, funny and light story line. In k-drama, the survival of vampires generation is more realistic, they even inject daily Sun Protection Injection to protect them from sun rays. (I can't comment more about the differences between those two versions, because I haven't finished the Webtoon version yet)
Well, whether its webtoon or k-drama version, I enjoy both :D I will surely continue to watch the next episodes of Orange Marmalade!
Annyeong,Shelvi eonnie!Ak br" ini jg nonton drama Producer,mula" karena ad Kim Jong Kook di dalamny,tp lama" ak mlh suka sama alur ceritany...Aku br nonton sampe eps 3,tp pengen nonton lg...Hahahahaha,emm eonnie ad nonton drama Song Ji Hyo "Ex Girlfriends Club "?
@Cindy Su: Hello ^_^
Aku malah ngga tau jong kook main juga hehe. Iya nih mulai ep 3 keatas makin seru :D
Kalo Ex Girlfriends Club blm nonton.. Bagus kah? Masih panjang nih daftar drama yg hrs ditonton XDD
Kata temenku sih Ex Girlfriends Club seru juga,apalagi acting Ji Hyo di sana,top deh!Jong Kook mulai waktu eps 2 ato 3,emm eonnie plg suka karakter siapa di drama Producer?Klo aku g suka,PD Kim Tae Ho ama Ceo Byun,bikin gregetan 😂 ><
@Cindy: aku uda ntn smpe eps 7 sekarang ^^
gregetan ma CEO Byun dan Seung Chan yg kadang terlalu lugu :v hahaha
aku suka sama Cindy (eh namanya sama ma km :D), awal2nya dia belagu n emotionless gt tp lama2 lucu kalo diliat hehe
Seung Chan sih kurang suka,agak belit" ngomongny,ehehehee...Huaduh,telat bgt aku,aku br nonton ampe eps 4,hiks...Salahkan wifi yg lemot bgt,ak awal"ny lucu aj denger namaku jd karakter IU di drama producer,tp lama" biasa aj,hahahahaha...Cindy sih suka jg,ngerti" aj sih sama karakterny yg dingin,org dy dr awal debut,jd g bs nikmatiin masa mudany...Sakit...Temenku wkt awal" nonton drama Producer pun blg "Eh,lu main drama juga y?" Ak kek "Hah?Dr mana nama aku muncul di drama?" Pas wkt temenku ksh aku liat ,aku ketawa aj,lucu sih...Alasan aku benci ama PD Kim Tae Ho tuh dy bermuka dua,wkt eps 3,kan ad scene Ra Joon Mo ama Kim Tae Ho ngomongiin soal ide Seung Chan(matchmaking concept),mulany Kim Tae Ho blg "Matchmaking?Hadeh,jelek bgt ideny" ,eh wkt Ra Joon Mo blg ide td ke atasanny,eh Kim Tae Ho blg "Lah,itu ide yg bagus,kok g mw dipake?" Muka dua bgt kan???Klo Ceo Byun tuh karena dy terlalu money-oriented,aku kek "Lu mau jdiin artis lu budak ato apaan???Artis lu jg manusia kali...Apa" ngomongiin duit,sana jd businesswoman drpd jd CEO artis,capek deh..." #curcolmodeon Mian,eonnie! ><
@Cindy: iya betul bgt, Seung Chan kurang tegas -__-
iya bener juga sih, makanya Cindy jd org yg dingin dan terkesan arogan banget :s
Wkwkwkwk jd curcol ya XD iya CEO Byun money-oriented bgt
Skrg mlh g sbr bgt nonton eps 5,6,7,8 ampe abis,ini drakor pertama yg aku bener" habiskan dr awal ampe akhir,klo biasany nonton drakor klo ad artis kesukaan aj,abis it g nonton lg...Kebanyakan nonton Running Man,ehehehehehe... XD XP
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